Price and services details
A closer look at the prices (all excluding VAT).
A new site?
Remark Webdesign can build a brand new web site for you for a mere € 275.
For that you can choose any of the standard themes published by WordPress. These lay-outs can be admired through the link on the top of this page.
The new web site comes with an explanation on how to use it (either on paper or digital) and first support (several hours in total).
We assume you already have a provider and a domain name; if not this can also be arranged by us (see below).
No service contract?
If you don’t have a service contract this support on delivery will be mainly aimed on what you have to do to “save” your web site in case of an emergency. Think about regular back-ups and copies of all files through FTP software (freeware; a type of copying to and from your provider).
Other lay-out or existing web site?
Of course you can also propose another lay-out than the standard ones. We gladly brainstorm together! Every lay-out has its own challenge to us. The price will be in relation to that (the greater the challenge the cheaper relatively seen). Propose a sample web site and ask for a quotation!
Do you already own a web site and wish to upgrade to a more modern version? Remark Webdesign can take care for this for you. An upgrade from an older to a newer release of WordPress or from PivotX to WordPress is also a possibility. Ask a quotation!
Remark Webdesign can create e-Pubs for you using the latest standards en suited for upload to the well known e-stores. Per e-Pub the cost is € 43.
Hour rate
The hourly rate, for example to do extra or single maintenance, creation of flash-files, buttons, banners and logo’s is € 54.
Service contract
You can contract us for service as well (minimum 6 months; silent continuance for the same period 1 month before end of agreed period). In principal these contracts are for a web site designed by Remark Webdesign (but it is not limited to that). We have three forms of service contract:
- Basis – € 16 per month
Monthly back-up; support for emergencies and trouble-shooting. All other activities on hourly rate. - Medium – € 32 per month
As Basis, extended with more support (read “explanation”) for the web site and its installed extensions. Maximum 2 hours outside hourly rate (per month) to do other activities like place on search engines, feed sites or social media. - Advanced – € 64 per month
As Medium, extended to maximum support (e.g. creating and publishing content; more frequent back-ups). Maximum 5 hours outside hourly rate (per month).
e-Pub contract?
You can contract us to create your e-Pubs. This costs € 20 per month. It gives you the option for creating up to 3 e-Pubs per month (cumulative).
Extra plug-ins or additional development?
Installing and configuring an extra plug-in or development of a new feature can always be done but will always take a quotation.
No own provider or domain name?
Remark Webdesign can also take care of a provider and a domain name. In principal house provider Antagonist will be used. The tariffs are:
From € 60 for 1 year and € 120 for 2 years (incl. email addresses, FTP accounts and MySQL databases).
This post is also available in Nederlands.